Saturday, April 30, 2011

24 Hours With PPIK

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

Alhamdulillah, praises to Allah Almighty. His virtue and bless has given us chance, InsyaAllah the chance to repent, atone our sins! There is not enough time for us to live to settle our business in this fluke world. Imam Hassan al-Banna had remind us a day and the whole life that we will spent will not suffice to adhere the responsible we all bear for the sake of His Mercy.

As the tittle says, its about 24 Hours With PPIK! What the tut is that??? In other words, or in the olden says, we dubbed it as Sehari Bersama PPIK. A day where all the Muslim Form 1 and new Form 4 students will be oriented to acknowledge the existence of an organization named Persatuan Pelajar Islam Kolej(PPIK). 

The program was on the move from 22-23 April 2011, venue Kolej TDTH Bujang. It was 2 days and 1 night program. Well to make it 24 hours round, they had to stay at the hostel. InsyaAllah a time to fortify our bond.

The theme pressed on ukhwah. Ukhwah, not the simple ukhwah but ukhwah fillah, a greater, more bombastic ties where the reasoning of connecting or making ties with other is none other than because of Allah! InsyaAllah, pray that we( me and all the muslimin and muslimah involved in the program especially) are all blessed in our ukhwah built in the program.

Haris aka Harus

nak pa d tgga tkrang ya.

dipanggil bobob. nama sebenar fazrul aizam tetapi menafikan bahawa dirinya bernama FAZRUL AIZAM

rais aiman(adik Faiz Tarmizi) dan Farain(cousin Agie)

Baju merah-Imadduddin! Nang ensem lh kdak mak ny..heheh

muhasabah diri

Para jawatankuasa

 Innamalmukminu nal ikhwah. Every muslims are a kin to one another. We are all a family! Family of muslims despite our age, status, politic status, descendant status, any status, we are all one kin!  This sunnah of Rasulullah is the one that we heed less till now that we lose to the world's lies.
The young one should greet the elders.
The elders should teach the young to greet
The young should learn from the elder
The elder is urged to show utmost qudwatul hasanah!

Yes, the first step to melt the barricade of arrogance is greet each other. Yes lets do that.

that will end my post.

1. Credits to Megat Ahmad Faiz for the pictures.
2. To every participants for 24 hours with PPIK. Let's cont our ukhwah for the best every day. Love you guys because of Allah...Hope He make myself sincere in my ukhwah with you guys.


  1. Assalamualiakum dek.. kak ziqah tok.. :d lamak sik dgr kaba eh.. juat mok gktauk.. mun ada gk program ppik, gktauk k, kmk mok join.. n mun ada nadwah taun tok, kmk mok mintak cgek slot mun boleh.. keep in touch jak k.. emel jak mun ada pa2..

  2. kak ziqah:owh insyaallah klak kmk coba. mn ktk mk bgs dtg atas organisasi. Kdak semisa, perkepis ka. Sng gk.

    Ein frenoz: tauk???

  3. Wah3.....
    -Bagusnya PPIK owh... Teruskan Usaha keyh!!
    "Wahai orang2 yg beriman sekiranya kamu membantu agama Allah nescaya Allah akan membantu kamu dan memperkukuhkan kedudukanmu...." Muhammad: 8

    btw... Kamek kenal Fazrul ya... nya hafazan skolah rendah wakil ngeri 2009-10 MTQ kan?? Jaga nya bait2 key.... Kmk dengar kitak wakil mtq dari kolej. Junior kmk padah... tahniah ya....

  4. ow duhal.. p mun mok join jd ajk jak pun kenak gya juak kah?

  5. to shaifi ishak:
    aok dgr ny camya lh. p mtq kali fazrul ya join nasyid.
    Haha kmk mbik tmpat ny hafazan p klh.2nd. Frust. 7 markah beza..huhu p yalah

    “Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui”.
    al-Baqarah 2:216

    Doakn kmk sntiasa istiqamah dalm rnjau bprogram tk.
    Byk sgguh mehnah!

  6. To kak Ziqah:
    Ermm mn mk gna medium len pn blh juak. Mbak dak alumni len skli ka, kakya brik hitam putih pa aktiviti ktk mk plah. skrg tk suma mk bnda mk htam ptih. Birokrasi yg telalu ketat. Ssh juak.
