Sunday, May 6, 2012

Steppings with legs off

Assalamualaikum wbt

Peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad saw, his families, companions that had gone through hell and high water with him, tabi' tabi'in and his descendants

Today, just something for newbies of da'wah activist such as me that is too immature to be preaching and giving thoughts. Let's hear it out!

Squeeze your minds and think smart folks!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Selawat to Rasulullah SAW

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Peace be upon the Messenger, Muhammad saw, his families, his companions, tabi' tabi'in,  his descendants and to the ulama' that Allah give His barakah and rahmah.

Before I was scratching the grounds for answer why do those that give sermons would make their intro by praising Rasulullah saw(selawat) and to be general why and what is actually selawat. Do you guys understand what selawat actually? Why do we need to praise Rasulullah saw instead of just 'berzikir" to Allah completely.

Islam's teachings, all of it have their own objectives,maqasid. In a hadith from Imam Muslim that means anyone who give selawat to Rasulullah saw will be blessed ten times to them from Allah swt. If you guys notice, when ustaz/ustazah seemed to lost something in their speech/teaching, they utter the selawat immediately,  and this was practiced by the salafussoleh.THey having faith in Allah and his Messenger,short sentence gives off thousands benefits. Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad.

That's all peeps, just some sharing from weekly Kuliah Aqidah at Masjid Darul Ehsan.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Astaghfirullahal a'zim~

Kenangan bersama adik-adik F.1 tersayang. Semoga Allah memberkati ukhwah kami .

This writing this time will be a hiatus sign post for about a week++ since I will travel for some 'business' abroad before a 3 months hiatus again next year for PROGRAM LATIHAN KHIDMAT NEGARA*yosh huruf kapital doeee seolah olah sebuah program besar yang agung lagi dijulang tinggi sehingga mampu mencapai tinggi Sultan Kosen yang memegang title Tallest Male in 2011 untuk Guinness World Record berukuran 271cm tinggi sedangkan penulis berharap tidak menjadi  the chosen one melalui program ini sejak bermulanya program ini pada dilancarkan yakni pada tahun 2004*.

Whatever it is, the writer will share something that the writer's teacher had taught few days past. Have you guys ponder over something trivial for a long time? The writer  had been 'cursing' someone,why do you need to take into account of such simple matter into your life affair, some small matter expanding into international matter? Haha now the writer himself is affected by his own 'cursing'.Well the writer had been thinking should he mess around with FACEBOOK like what other people or you guys do. After deep thought for months, the writer decided to mire with FACEBOOK since he had finished the public exam. After deciding, the second thing he know a friend called.

"Assalamualaikum!"very ecstatic to hear distant friends called.
"Waalaikumusslam. Uih kau ada online facebook ka?"
"Ada tadik. Pahal?"
" Kau da nangga ka profile kau knak hack?"
"Biar bena?"

Gosh the writer's profile was hacked indeed. Using under the name of his profile, the hacked account posted an egregious, horrible video,should-be censored or in simple words porno to his 28 friends wall. Gladly It was only 28 people and the writer realized two hours after the incident that was  alarmed by his friend. The writer expeditiously delete the account. FOR GOOD. Permanent!SYUKRAN for the concern to the writer's friend.

Subhanallah. For 2 years as an inactive user of FACEBOOK, never intended to act in the world of FACEBOOK but as soon as the writer just made a stand, Allah gave him a righteous way. He take that as a guidance from Allah. Perhaps Allah wanted to show the writer that FACEBOOK would be adverse for the writer. Subhanallah, let us always pray to Allah that he will show the rope every time anywhere. Death is anytime anywhere isn't it? A dua' to share

"Ya Allah berikannlah rahmat kepada kami dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam segala urusan"
*boleh rujuk tafsir Quran dalam surah kahfi untuk bahasa Arab*

Istiqomah in practicing this du'a in everyday life.InsyaAllah whatever decisions we make is under Allah's will.
Kita merancang Allah merancang
Takdir Allah tetap merentas tadbir manusia
Well let's tawakkal that every single step we made is in the circle of his takdir.  
Why must be in His takdir??It's because our tadbir is full of frailty but His will shall be free of flaws.

Thursday, December 8, 2011



Here I want to present the GRAND MASTERPIECE program of PPIK out of all program for batch 2010/2011. It's not much better than previous batches programs, but the finest of all in 2011 and I'm gratified by the commitments exhibit by everyone involved. ALHAMDULILLAH.

A simple brief of the program, leaded by Ust Nik Mohd Shazmizi, named KEM IMAM MUDA DAN USTAZAH PILIHAN. 3 days 2 nights camp. Coordinated by Khairul Afnan, a superb combination of AJK's.

One lucid clear lesson I want to share is, for a program to triumph, put your heart in the program. Purify your heart with Iman to Allah and set straight your motives of being involved in the prog and of course the righteous motive, scouring for Allah's redha.

Countless time..
People work for fun
seeking for pleasure
fan up their scope of social
show their presence in the world to everyone
because 'he' is there, 'she' is there
and other niat/intention that is not because of Allah.MASYAALLAH

This factors inhibit Allah's bless on the activities held. Hence, cleanse our heart, make your life beneficial for the world and hereafter. Innamala'malu binniat. Every step counts as ibadah if its for Allah.

"sesungguhnya amalan itu tergantung pada niatnya, dan sesungguhnya setiap orang mendapatkan sesuai apa yang diniatkan, barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dan barangsiapa hijrahnya karena dunia yang akan didapatkan atau wanita yang akan dinikahi maka hijrahnya sesuai dengan apa yang dia niatkan"
(HR. Bukhori Muslim)

FYI, that video was done 4 months past but subjected flunk to be exhibited during assembly in school. If to reminisce back those efforts to show this video was too bitter for me and my friends. Lots of hassle but no worldly benefit. However, we know Allah counts those efforts. He is not like bosses for business or oil and gas companies that takes only output to be calculated into standard of performance but the efforts that counts and of course sincerity. Overloaded works in school cornered me into failing field to glorified group works. Madam Ju even said to me,"busy macam menteri jak". That statement made me ponder does my works a quality one or just quantity.

Saidina Ali once stated,“Kebatilan yang terancang dapat mengalahkan kebenaran yang tidak terancang.”

Lastly, let's pray that Allah accepts every ibadah we do.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Well I want to share an article I wrote months ago but not posted yet. Perhaps it's Allah's will he deter myself from being in the err of niat. I wrote the article with cause that was not pure, based on my anger and unsophisticated heart of certain matter but now I think I could take the genuine lesson from it. Here it is,written in Malay since originallay for PPIK's blog

Marilah buka hati ye ye... tenangkan ye dengan perkongsian di bawah.

"kau laki ney tauk mslh prmpuan," kata seorang 'badge'mate*kan ada schoolmate, classmate, so badgemate juga mngkin akan didaftarkan..XP*
"aok bh sori la"...

Hari ini hari yang cerah, insyaAllah bukan sahaja nur matahari yang bersinar riang tetapi nur iman*tiada kaitan dengan sesiapa yang namanya Nur Iman dan yang seangkatan dengannya*juga bersinar gemilang dengan hidayah daripada Allah swt.  Oleh itu, lapangkan lah hati seluasnya seperti ahli gimnastik atau ahli kung fu yang membuka seluas-luasnya kangkang kaki mereka untuk menjadi sefleksibel mungkin. Ya fleksibel kan hati kita sebagaimana ahli pro-fizikal tersebut menjadi fleksibel dengan badan mereka.

Perkongsian kali ini penulis generalisasikan setelah bertembung dengan seorang abang dan membuat meja runding bersama beliau.."Oww ok2" begitulah penulis setelah di digasak habis dengan hujah-hujah beliau seperti dalam filem bergenre "ACTION MOVIE" iaitu seperti watak jahat yang ditembak dengan
M4 Carbine sehingga terkujur layu kudratnya di atas tanah.

Baiklah pernyataan di atas adalah satu persoalan yang bertandang di meja rundingan kami iaitu apa yang berbeza sangat antara lelaki dan perempuan ini?

Hmmm, kalau para pembaca pernah menelaah kitab atau buku karangan John Gray yang  bertajuk Men Are From Mars And Women Are From Venus, di situlah tercatatny segala macam perihal perbezaan lelaki dan wanita. Buku tersebut menjadi 'sharp shooter' tepat ke batang hidung setiap insan mengenai diri mereka khususnya dalam sesebuah rumahtangga yang bagi penulis, sifat tersebut hanya patut ada dalam sesebuah rumahtangga. Ya hanya RUMAHTANGGA. Sifat-sifat sensitif untuk memahami seorang lelaki, seorang wanita diperincikan dalam buku tersebut. Namun, isu yang ingin dipersoalkan sekarang ialah apabila sifat-sifat tersebut dizahirkan dalam medan sosial yang semakin meluas sekarang dengan sesiapa sahaja. Contohnya, mengenjet aka menggatal, kononnnya memahami pihak yang lain justeru bertindak berbicara dengan any possible ways yang boleh membesarkan lagi lingkungan perhubungan dengan insan berlainan jantina dan pelbagai lagi sifat seorang lelaki yang hanya patut dizahirkan kepada yang halal sahaja dan begitu juga wanita.

So kembali kepada perkara yang ingin diutarakan ialah mengapa jantina menjadi mangsa dalam berdalihkan kekuatan untuk bermujahadah. Pernah ada muslimah yang bertemu dengan penulis meminta pandangan dan sebagainya. Malang tidak berbau salah tutur bicara merangsangkan nafsu amarahnya dan efeknya, penulis juga disalahkan kerana tidak memahami dia sebagai seorang wanita

Apakan daya, itulah bahana meminta pandangan dengan ajnabi jika dada kosong dengan iman. Mentuntut ilmu dengan rasional lah ye. Mustahil hendak kononnya sangat memahami hati seorang wanita meskipun dalam berdakwah keranaaa syaitan kan adaa.

Yang itu satu hal, namun hal yang sebenarnya ingin disampaikan ialah lelaki dan perempuan dikurniakan kelebihan masing-masing. Kenapa mnjadikan jantina sebagai alasa?. Bukankah Allah itu al-adlu, yang maha Adil. Jangan sampaikan kita menyalahkan fitrah yang digunakan sebagai alasan dalam memperbaik diri kita. Nauzzubillah daripada kita mensyirikkan nikmat yang Allahh kurniakan. Mustahil Allah cacat dengan kesempuranaan dalam segala hal.Yang tinggal hanya lah MATA HATI kita dah buka atau belum untuk melihat hikmah daripada segala ujian yang Allah beri.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sense of Muslims

Finally its total freedom from attachment with school's hectic life. My friends end their hellbent studying mode*supposedly la* that 20th November*excluding my BFF,yeseh ada juak oww,he has arabic languange and PQS,Pendidikan Quran dan Sunnah.*has reached its epilogue...

However!The sense of Muslim never die!

Life is not for exam. Life is not for the world. but LIFE AND LIVE FOR ALLAH!

Soon the evening of the last day of SPM, my mom brought me to Parkson.

My, I want to get some rest mom.
But don't you realize, Allah never let down His servant

Indeed He loves His servant who loves him,

"Kasih sayangKu berhaklah diberikan kepada orang yang cinta mencintai keranaKu. Kasih-sayangKu berhaklah diberikan kepada orang yang sering memperhubungkan tali silaturahim keranaKu. Kasih sayangKu berhaklah diberikan kepada orang yang saling bernasihat keranaKu. Kasih sayangKu berhaklah diberikan kepada orang yang saling berziarah keranaKu. Kasih sayangKu berhaklah diberikan kepada orang yang saling bantu membantu keranaKu. Orang yang cinta mencintai keranaKu berada di atas mimbar-mimbar dari cahaya, sangat dicita-citakan tempat-tempat mereka itu oleh para Nabi, Siddiqin dan Syuhada." (Riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Hibban, Hakim, Qudha'i)

Yeah I obtained the grand novel of latest novels, Sebarkan Cinta-MU, Fatimah Syarha Mohd Noordin
Wooooooo she wrote novel for PTS Litera. This is her first in corporation with PTS group.
Her novels all are superb. Best! Alhamdulillah!My heart leap sky high, even now ooo.

Yeaaaa man
Readers~. if you had read her novels Tautan Hati, Semerah Mawar Berduri, Syabab Musafir Kasih as such,then add this to your collection. Novel tarbiah terbaik.Niceeeeee~

That's all peeps.

Allah ma antum

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sunday, June 5, 2011



Weeeeelll, the writer wasn't in the sky high mood tonight. However, just licking through the sites and encounter this one particular nasyid team. Perhaps they are still ricocheting to scrap the sky high and they do have the potential. The writer is in merry-go-round as an effect after hearing their songs. The team is FEELHONEY. Wow doesn't sound like nasyid team at all right but they are. At first, I was really astonished how could it be??What the? This is team is a the team that trapped quite a sum of fans that even wrote about them in their blog and list of favourite music in Facebook?? Well, that was because this was the first vid I saw for this team.
What crap is this?? However, if you guys like the writer, layan jerrr apa-apa lagu. Then perhaps the 2nd time the writer heard this song it gets better. Yeah it is nice actually and their other song are the best!

"Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu al-Quran yang menjadi nasihat pengajaran dari Tuhan kamu, dan yang menjadi penawar bagi penyakit-penyakit batin yang ada di dalam dada kamu; dan juga menjadi hidayah petunjuk untuk keselamatan serta membawa rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman".
(Yunus, verse 57) 

Yeah, this could be one of Allah's hidayah to us. Well, so that we do not procrastinate and heard all those nonsense screaming and any of the same lagha genre song.Yes, NONSENSE. Got problem with my statement?? Deal with it because those screaming banging sounds are ntah pa pa! Well punch me if I got myself involved in those arena. Perhaps, hearing this nasyids are still the better choice than other lagha past time.

Lastly, their nasyids are really addicting. Let's moral from their songs!

Salam alaykum!