Saturday, October 17, 2009


 grateful to Allah s.w.t for His never ending flow of blessings, I've succeed in creating my own first blog. Inspired by my comrades and primarily my honourable brother, Mohd Ridhwan or so-called 'daging puteh"(hehehe) or Ewan, my own personal nickname for him at home(XP), I managed to create this blog to act as a medium for the evangelism of Islam and better improving myself as His servant. This is as stated below:

"Dialah yang telah mengutus RasulNya (dengan membawa) petunjuk (Al-Quran) dan agama yang benar, untuk dimenangkanNya atas seluruh agama, walaupun orang-orang musyrik tidak menyukainya" [At-Taubah (9):33].

“Seseorang yang ditetapkan Allah (dalam kedudukan) mengurus umat dan dia tidak memberikan nasihat kepada mereka (umat), dia tidak akan mencium bau syurga.” [HR Bukhari]

*hehe sorry, can't find any of the sentence above in English nor can I translate them in English.  

This outbreak of idealism was again brought by Ewan or 'daging puteh' . Hope you readers would apprehend my artwork and literature.TQ~.

A vast applause for the name listed below(XD) for being a fundamental aspiration(indirectly la,XP)in constructing this blog.

Daging Puteh-Mohd Ridhwan(                          
Krol 3Gigih(to refrain an enigma of krol from 3Tekun or from 3Gigih. kuikuikui)

        -Mohammad Khairul Afnan(

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